Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly Operated Kiosk Stations (STARBOOKS)
A project of the Department of Science and Technology's Science and Technology Information Institute (DOST–STII) that produced a digital library that can permanently retain information and resources for Filipino citizens.
STARBOOKS contains thousands of digitized science and technology resources in various formats (text and video/audio) placed in specially designed “pods” set in a user-friendly interface. Its special features are:
- It's a standalone Information kiosk, hence, information access is possible even without internet connection;
- Information available is read-only;
- It is a compendium of S&T information gathered from all over the world --- a one stop S&T information source; and
- It features videos dubbed “Tamang DOSTkarte Livelihood Videos” to stimulate every Filipino’s entrepreneurial capacity;
STARBOOKS aims to:
- Create interest in the field of Science and Technology which may increase the number of Filipinos enrolling in S&T courses;
- Encourage great and curious minds to develop new ideas---inventions and innovations; and
- Inspire one’s capacity for entrepreneurship and research.
Gale Reference Complete Consortium
The GALE Reference Complete Consortium (hereafter referred to as “the E-Product” available for CE logic group subscribers) is a collaborative partnership and coordination effort between and among libraries for the purpose of sharing information resources..
Gale Reference Complete
Content. Multidisciplinary e-journals (28,000+ titles), ebooks (1,700 titles in 4,000 volumes), literature criticism and full-text literary works (over 1.5 million items), and historical primary sources (over 13 million pages).
Users and Usage. Unlimited simultaneous use. Usage statistics available via system generated report.
Access. The product can be accessed and used online through IP authenticated onsite access and remotely via username and password log in.